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There are many types of networks, which are used for various purposes by different personnel and organizations. The different types of networks are:

  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
    A local area network or LAN is a network that connects computers within a limited area. This might be in a school, an office, or even a home.
  • Personal Area Networks (PAN)
    A personal area network is a network that is based on an individual's workspace. The individual's device is the center of the network with other devices connected to it. There are also wireless personal area networks.
  • Home Area Networks (HAN)
    A home area network connects devices within a home environment. This network may include personal computers, tablets, smartphones, printers, TVs, and other devices.

Peer-to-peer networks are often used for file sharing and communication between computers. The main advantage of using a P2P network is its ability to provide high availability and fault tolerance. If one computer in the network goes down, others can continue working as if nothing happened.